Conference: Debts – The Good, the Bad and the Hidden: Bringing Family, Kin, Commerce and Consumption Debts Together, 15.-17.09.2022, Vienna

Projekt „Vermögen als Medium der Herstellung von Verwandtschaftsräumen vom 16. bis zum 18. Jhd.“; Margareth Lanzinger, Matthias Donabaum, and Janine Maegraith (Web) Time: 15.-17.09.2022 Venue: University of Vienna Registration due 14.09.2022: Programme (PDF) In this workshop the organizers would like to address aspects concerning socio-economic practices around debts. They are particularly interested in opportunities … Conference: Debts – The Good, the Bad and the Hidden: Bringing Family, Kin, Commerce and Consumption Debts Together, 15.-17.09.2022, Vienna weiterlesen